Home » Hydroseeder » Hydroseeding machine in turkey market
Hydroseeding mulch for big area greening
Hydroseeding machine in turkey market is suitable for rock, hard soil, sandy soil, barren land, acid soil, arid zone, the coast of the dams and other plant growth problems greening broadcast. Nowadays, the spreader is widely used in highway slope greening, high-speed railway slope greening, mining green, ecological restoration, desert control and other projects.

Hydroseeding machine in turkey market has gradually replaced the dry mix shotcrete machine and concrete pump in construction, to a certain extent, solved the problems of dry mix shotcrete machine low efficiency, high construction cost, high labor cost, high labor cost and high risk of wet spraying machine, disadvantages of inconvenience. After repeated research to improve and constantly improve. Can be used for rock and soil, sand and other soil-free surface or organic soil spray surface.
Hydro-mulching is a new greening method, the green grass seeds and water retaining agent, adhesives, and fertilizers, etc., mixed with water in a mixing vessel into a gel-like mixed slurry, with a pressure pump to spray it on to be Sow the land. Because the mixed slurry contains water-retaining material and various nutrients to ensure the plant grows the water and other nutrients needed, the plant grows healthily and rapidly. Suitable for large-scale afforestation operations, especially in areas that are drier and lack watering facilities.
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