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Portable cement grout pump for sale

Portable cement grout pump for sale is a combination of mixer, agitator and grout pump in one plant. The special mixing effect of cement or bentonite with water is archived in mixer by a high turbulence created in the pump casing. This turbulence with its high shear forces separates the cement or bentonite particles which results in a fully hydrated suspension.

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Leadcrete Equipment made tens types portable cement grout pump for sale is one grout equipment to made the grout mixer, agitator, grout pump etc. in one plant, in this design, one machine could meet the grouting demands, don’t need to buy the grout mixer and pump separately, and use grout plant with following advantages:
Operate easily, one or two person will be ok;
Move conveniently; From one grouting hole to another one, only need move one time;
Regards the grout mixer volume, grout pump flow and pressure could be designed according to your demands;
About the grout plant driven engine, also there is electric motor, diesel engine for option.
About the grout plant frame, could be made skid, trailer, or with crawler, more easy to move.
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