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Squeeze type grouting pump factory

Leadcrete is your global partner for state-of-the-art mixing and injection technology. Wherever building sites, rock, anchorages or tunnel constructions need to be reinforced or sealed, our high pressure grouting pump will at work.

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Leadcrete squeeze type grouting pump factory offers solutions for tube injections, soil-mix procedures, injection screens. In order to choose a suitable high pressure grout pump, following situations should be taken into consideration:
1.Hhigh-pressure grouting pump should match with the geological conditions of the stratum to be constructed. In the complicated stratum,grout pump capacity should be fully considered;
2.High-pressure grouting pump selection should be consistent with the construction depth. For depth working, high-power and hihg pressure injection pump should be used;
3.High-pressure grouting pump should be compatible with the high-spray process at working site. During jet grouting working site, it should be choosed based on its working technology.
4.When budget and engineers are avaiable, a autumacit high pressure grouting pump can be considered.
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