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New mud grout pump for drilling rig

Used new mud grout pump for drilling rig is not as easy as the ground grouting, in the mine grouting pump a lot of aspects need to be noticed, only in this way can guarantee your grouting success, as grouting equipment factory, took on talk to you need to be aware of.

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New mud grout pump for drilling rig is designed and made for permeation grouting, compaction grouting, backfilling grouting, curtain grouting, high pressure split grouting etc, grouting methods.New mud grout pump for drilling rig from China is already being a versatile pump, suitable for a wide variety of products including neat cement, PFA cement and fine sand cement grouts.  New mud grout pumps for drilling rig are also provided by us. It has compact size and easy to operate.
hand operated grout pump
New mud grout pump for drilling rig
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